This article describes the ethnic processes since 1925 until the end of 20th century in Uzbekistan. As well as provide information about the aspiration to create a single Soviet people, the process of natural and artificial mixed nation.
1. Askarov A. Ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the Uzbek people. - T .: University, 2007.
2. All-Union Population Census 1926 Vol. I – VI. – M., 1928 - 1933.
3. All-Union Population Census 1926 vol. XV. – M., C 144 - 145.
4. Dzhamalov O.B., Blinder I.B. Economic laws and the advantage of the non-capitalist path of development. – T., 1972.
5. The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 / –St. Petersburg, 1904.v.89. S. 60–61.
6. Kim P. Koreans of the Republic of Uzbekistan. – T., 1993.
7. Rahmatillaev X. Ethnodynamics of the population of the Fergana Valley. – T .: New edition, 2013.
8. Results of the 1970 All-Union Population Census. vol. IV. – M., 1973.
9. New history of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan during the Soviet colonial period. – T., 2000.
10. Khan. V.S. Korean history. – T .: Baktria press, 2013.
11. Makhmudov O. V. The Toledo School – early center of investigation of the works Central Asian scholars in the Europe. – Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-33405-2.
12. Makhmudov O. V. Some reasons about employees of the translator Domingo Gundisalvo in Toledo School // Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2017; (1-2): 3-7. DOI:
13. Makhmudov O. V. Translations carried out in the Spanish translation centers (On basis of the works of scientists of antiquity and Muslim east) // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). 2017; (6-2): 5-20.
14. Makhmudov O. Latin translations of the works Abū Bakr ar-Rāzī and their values in development of the modern sciences. History, Problems and Prospects of Development of Modern Civilization. 2017; (18). 534–538.
15. Makhmudov, O.V. (2017). “Toledo School in the period of King Alfonso X”. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on History, Sociology and Philosophy. (1). p. p: 3–7.
16. Makhmudov, O. The role of the Toledo as a center for the transfer of scientific knowledge of medieval Eastern scientists to Europe. Евразийский Союз Ученых. [Evraziiskii Soyuz Uchenykh]. 2020; №. 6-8 (75). P. 13-16. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.8.75.890
17. Mahmudov O. The beginning of the European renaissance. ERPA International Journal of Research and Development. 2020; Vol. 5 (7). P. 104-108. DOI:
18. Makhmudov O. The Toledo School – Early center of translation in Medieval Europe. European Researcher. Series A. 2020; (11–3): 150-158. DOI: 10.13187/er.2020.3.159
19. Yuldashev S.B. Ferghana in the VII century: It’s development as a powerful state and its collapse // History Reseach Journal. 2019 vol. 5. Issue 6. – P. 2952–2964.
20. Yuldashev S.B. Samanids of Ferghana // International journal for social studies. 2020. vol. 6. Issue 01. – P. 120–135.
21. Yuldashev S.B. The impact of the Aksu battle on Ferghana // ERPA International Journal of Research and Development. 2020. Vol. 5 (8). P. 60–64. DOI:
22. Yuldashev S.B. Early arab invasions of Fergana // «Евразийский Союз Ученых» научный журнал. – Москва, – 2020. – № 8 (77/4). – Р. 31–35.
2. All-Union Population Census 1926 Vol. I – VI. – M., 1928 - 1933.
3. All-Union Population Census 1926 vol. XV. – M., C 144 - 145.
4. Dzhamalov O.B., Blinder I.B. Economic laws and the advantage of the non-capitalist path of development. – T., 1972.
5. The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 / –St. Petersburg, 1904.v.89. S. 60–61.
6. Kim P. Koreans of the Republic of Uzbekistan. – T., 1993.
7. Rahmatillaev X. Ethnodynamics of the population of the Fergana Valley. – T .: New edition, 2013.
8. Results of the 1970 All-Union Population Census. vol. IV. – M., 1973.
9. New history of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan during the Soviet colonial period. – T., 2000.
10. Khan. V.S. Korean history. – T .: Baktria press, 2013.
11. Makhmudov O. V. The Toledo School – early center of investigation of the works Central Asian scholars in the Europe. – Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-33405-2.
12. Makhmudov O. V. Some reasons about employees of the translator Domingo Gundisalvo in Toledo School // Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2017; (1-2): 3-7. DOI:
13. Makhmudov O. V. Translations carried out in the Spanish translation centers (On basis of the works of scientists of antiquity and Muslim east) // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). 2017; (6-2): 5-20.
14. Makhmudov O. Latin translations of the works Abū Bakr ar-Rāzī and their values in development of the modern sciences. History, Problems and Prospects of Development of Modern Civilization. 2017; (18). 534–538.
15. Makhmudov, O.V. (2017). “Toledo School in the period of King Alfonso X”. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on History, Sociology and Philosophy. (1). p. p: 3–7.
16. Makhmudov, O. The role of the Toledo as a center for the transfer of scientific knowledge of medieval Eastern scientists to Europe. Евразийский Союз Ученых. [Evraziiskii Soyuz Uchenykh]. 2020; №. 6-8 (75). P. 13-16. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.8.75.890
17. Mahmudov O. The beginning of the European renaissance. ERPA International Journal of Research and Development. 2020; Vol. 5 (7). P. 104-108. DOI:
18. Makhmudov O. The Toledo School – Early center of translation in Medieval Europe. European Researcher. Series A. 2020; (11–3): 150-158. DOI: 10.13187/er.2020.3.159
19. Yuldashev S.B. Ferghana in the VII century: It’s development as a powerful state and its collapse // History Reseach Journal. 2019 vol. 5. Issue 6. – P. 2952–2964.
20. Yuldashev S.B. Samanids of Ferghana // International journal for social studies. 2020. vol. 6. Issue 01. – P. 120–135.
21. Yuldashev S.B. The impact of the Aksu battle on Ferghana // ERPA International Journal of Research and Development. 2020. Vol. 5 (8). P. 60–64. DOI:
22. Yuldashev S.B. Early arab invasions of Fergana // «Евразийский Союз Ученых» научный журнал. – Москва, – 2020. – № 8 (77/4). – Р. 31–35.
Как цитировать
Rakhmatillaev , H. 2020. «ETHNIC PROCESSES IN UZBEKISTAN (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE SOVIET PERIOD) ». EurasianUnionScientists 5 (10(79), 29-31.
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