Ключевые слова:
загуститель, хитозан, оптическая плотность, фунгицид, вязкость, влажность.
В статье приведены результаты исследования антимикробные, фунгицидные и реологические свойств смешанных загусток на основе хитозана Apis Mellifera для активных красителей используемые для печатания ткани.
1. Moriganov A.P., Zakharov A.G., Zhivetin V.V. Promising polymeric materials for chemical and technological production // Journal of the Russian Chemical Society. DI. Mendeleev. T. XLVI. 2002. No. 1. Pp. 58–66.
2. Goryachev S.N., Grigoriev B.S. Chemical materials in the technology of processing raw fur. - M .: Ed. house "Furs of the World", 1999. - 106 p.
3. Smirnov V.F. Biodegradation of natural leather tissue and their protection from biological damage / IV All-Union conference on biological damage: Abstracts. - N. Novgorod, 1991 .-- 71 p.
4. Chursin V.I. Biocidal additives and methods for preventing bio-damage to leather and tanning materials / Sat. materials of Vseros. conf. "Environmental problems of biodegradation of industrial, building materials and production waste." - Penza, 1998. S. 6-9.
5. Jain P.C., Agrawal S.C. A not on the keratin decomposing capability of some fungi // Transactions of the Mycology Society of Japan, 1980. No. 21. - P. 513-517.
6. Nurutdinova F.M., Ikhtiyarova G.A. The use of a thickener based on beelosan and acrylic polymers for stuffing cotton - silk fabrics // Universum: Technical sciences: electron. scientific. zhurn. –2020., No. 2 (71). –S 47-50. (02.00.00, No. 1).
7. Nurutdinova F.M., Ikhtiyarova G.A., Turdieva S.R. Aspects of the use of thickeners based on chitosan and acrylic polymers in the technology of printing fabrics // International journal Scientist of the XXI century №10-1(18), 2016.-P. 28-32.
8. Nurutdinova F.M. Synthesis of chitin and chitosan from bee dead - Apis Mellifera for use in medicine // Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University - № 1, 2020. pp. 79-85.
9. Ikhtiyarova G.A., Nurutdinova F.M., Kurbonova F.N. Obtaining and application of biodegradable aminopolysaccharide chitosan from bee dead // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 6, 2017. P. 37-41.
10. Kakhramonov M.A., Khaidarova Kh.A., Nurutdinova F.M. et al. Investigation of the antimicrobial properties of thickeners based on chitosan Apis Mellifera // Razvitie nauki i tekhnologii №7, 2020. P. 77-81.
11. Kurbonova F.N., Nurutdinova F.M., Khaidarova Kh.A., Temirova M.I. Method of obtaining and physicochemical properties of chitin and chitosan from dead bees // Razvitie nauki i tekhnologii. No. 4. 2018.S 66-69.
12. Nurutdinova F.M., Tuksanova Z.I. Apis Mellifera asalarisidan sintez qilingan biopolymer xitin va xitozannig tibbiyotda qo'llanilishi // Tibbiyotda yangi kun. No. 1, 2020. B. 553-555.
13. Adler R.V. Antimikrobe properties with antiseptic. J. Chem. Teech. Biotechnol. 1992., - No. 30. –P. 259.
14. Ikhtiyarova G.A., Nurutdinova F.M., Akhadov M.Sh., Safarova M.A. A new technology for producing reproducible biopolymers of chitin and chitosan from dead bees // Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2017 # 4. S. 31-33.
2. Goryachev S.N., Grigoriev B.S. Chemical materials in the technology of processing raw fur. - M .: Ed. house "Furs of the World", 1999. - 106 p.
3. Smirnov V.F. Biodegradation of natural leather tissue and their protection from biological damage / IV All-Union conference on biological damage: Abstracts. - N. Novgorod, 1991 .-- 71 p.
4. Chursin V.I. Biocidal additives and methods for preventing bio-damage to leather and tanning materials / Sat. materials of Vseros. conf. "Environmental problems of biodegradation of industrial, building materials and production waste." - Penza, 1998. S. 6-9.
5. Jain P.C., Agrawal S.C. A not on the keratin decomposing capability of some fungi // Transactions of the Mycology Society of Japan, 1980. No. 21. - P. 513-517.
6. Nurutdinova F.M., Ikhtiyarova G.A. The use of a thickener based on beelosan and acrylic polymers for stuffing cotton - silk fabrics // Universum: Technical sciences: electron. scientific. zhurn. –2020., No. 2 (71). –S 47-50. (02.00.00, No. 1).
7. Nurutdinova F.M., Ikhtiyarova G.A., Turdieva S.R. Aspects of the use of thickeners based on chitosan and acrylic polymers in the technology of printing fabrics // International journal Scientist of the XXI century №10-1(18), 2016.-P. 28-32.
8. Nurutdinova F.M. Synthesis of chitin and chitosan from bee dead - Apis Mellifera for use in medicine // Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University - № 1, 2020. pp. 79-85.
9. Ikhtiyarova G.A., Nurutdinova F.M., Kurbonova F.N. Obtaining and application of biodegradable aminopolysaccharide chitosan from bee dead // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 6, 2017. P. 37-41.
10. Kakhramonov M.A., Khaidarova Kh.A., Nurutdinova F.M. et al. Investigation of the antimicrobial properties of thickeners based on chitosan Apis Mellifera // Razvitie nauki i tekhnologii №7, 2020. P. 77-81.
11. Kurbonova F.N., Nurutdinova F.M., Khaidarova Kh.A., Temirova M.I. Method of obtaining and physicochemical properties of chitin and chitosan from dead bees // Razvitie nauki i tekhnologii. No. 4. 2018.S 66-69.
12. Nurutdinova F.M., Tuksanova Z.I. Apis Mellifera asalarisidan sintez qilingan biopolymer xitin va xitozannig tibbiyotda qo'llanilishi // Tibbiyotda yangi kun. No. 1, 2020. B. 553-555.
13. Adler R.V. Antimikrobe properties with antiseptic. J. Chem. Teech. Biotechnol. 1992., - No. 30. –P. 259.
14. Ikhtiyarova G.A., Nurutdinova F.M., Akhadov M.Sh., Safarova M.A. A new technology for producing reproducible biopolymers of chitin and chitosan from dead bees // Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2017 # 4. S. 31-33.
Как цитировать
Нурутдинова , Ф., Д. Хазратова, и З. Жахонкулова. 2021. «ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ АНТИМИКРОБНЫХ И РЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СВОЙСТВ ЗАГУСТОК НА ОСНОВЕ ХИТОЗАНА APIS MELLIFERA ». EurasianUnionScientists 3 (3(84), 48-52. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.3.84.1289.
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