• F. Nurutdinova Bukhara State University
  • D. Khazratova Bukhara State University
  • Z. Jakhonkulova Bukhara State University
Keywords: thickener, chitosan, optical density, fungicide, viscosity, moisture.


The article presents the results of a study of antimicrobial, fungicidal and rheological properties of mixed thickeners based on chitosan Apis Mellifera for active dyes used for printing fabrics.

Author Biographies

F. Nurutdinova , Bukhara State University

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) technical science,  Teacher

D. Khazratova , Bukhara State University


Z. Jakhonkulova , Bukhara State University



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How to Cite
Nurutdinova , F., D. Khazratova, and Z. Jakhonkulova. 2021. “STUDY OF ANTIMICROBIAL AND RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CHITOSAN-BASED APIS MELLIFERA ”. EurasianUnionScientists 3 (3(84), 48-52.