Ключевые слова:
Кинематическая волна, математическая модель, автомодельное решение
В статье обсуждаются два возможных подхода к обобщению кинематической волновой модели для деформируемых русел, включая приближение, в котором закон сохранения массы жидкости включает эрозию и осаждение; а также приближение, согласно которому поток жидкости определяется кинематическим волновым уравнением без учета деформаций дна.
Сравнение результатов систематических численных расчетов с автомодельным решением для волн с различными значениями расходов воды показало хорошее совпадение.
1. M.S. Grushevsky. Unsteady movement of water in rivers and canals. L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1982.
2. Kuchment L.S. Models of river flow formation processes. Gidrometeoizdat, L., 1980.
3. S. Ya. Schoolchildren. Transformation of flood waves propagating along a dry bed. Hydraulic engineering construction ”, No. 7, 1999
4. Lyatkher B.M., Yu.S. Yakovlev (ed.) Dynamics of continuous media in the calculations of hydraulic structures. Ed."Energy", ML, 1976
5. Militeyev A.N. Solving the problems of hydraulics of shallow reservoirs and ponds of hydroelectric facilities using numerical methods.Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. M. 1982
6. Meksi A. Forecasting the dynamics of channels in the ponds of waterworks by numerical methods. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. M. 1987.
7. Shkolnikov S.Ya. Passage of a rise wave in channels with a deformable bottom. Proceedings of the IISS im. Kuibyshev.Krutov A.N. Development of the theory and methods of forecasting the spread of pollutants in the surface waters of arid zones. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. M. 1997, p. 162. Whitham J.J. Linear and nonlinear waves. M., ed. Peace, 1977
Godunov S.K. Equations of mathematical Physics (2nd ed.). Moscow: Science 1979 Kiselev P.G. Handbook of hydraulic calculations. State energy publishing house, M.-L., 1957
Kondratyev S.A., Shmakova M.V. The transporting capacity of the river flow. // Scientific notes of the RSHU, no. 56, 2019. Paul J. Visser. Application of sediment transport Formulae to sand-dike breach Erosion // Communications on Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering. Report No. 94-3. Faculty of Civil Engineering. Delft University of Technology, 1995
2. Kuchment L.S. Models of river flow formation processes. Gidrometeoizdat, L., 1980.
3. S. Ya. Schoolchildren. Transformation of flood waves propagating along a dry bed. Hydraulic engineering construction ”, No. 7, 1999
4. Lyatkher B.M., Yu.S. Yakovlev (ed.) Dynamics of continuous media in the calculations of hydraulic structures. Ed."Energy", ML, 1976
5. Militeyev A.N. Solving the problems of hydraulics of shallow reservoirs and ponds of hydroelectric facilities using numerical methods.Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. M. 1982
6. Meksi A. Forecasting the dynamics of channels in the ponds of waterworks by numerical methods. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. M. 1987.
7. Shkolnikov S.Ya. Passage of a rise wave in channels with a deformable bottom. Proceedings of the IISS im. Kuibyshev.Krutov A.N. Development of the theory and methods of forecasting the spread of pollutants in the surface waters of arid zones. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. M. 1997, p. 162. Whitham J.J. Linear and nonlinear waves. M., ed. Peace, 1977
Godunov S.K. Equations of mathematical Physics (2nd ed.). Moscow: Science 1979 Kiselev P.G. Handbook of hydraulic calculations. State energy publishing house, M.-L., 1957
Kondratyev S.A., Shmakova M.V. The transporting capacity of the river flow. // Scientific notes of the RSHU, no. 56, 2019. Paul J. Visser. Application of sediment transport Formulae to sand-dike breach Erosion // Communications on Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering. Report No. 94-3. Faculty of Civil Engineering. Delft University of Technology, 1995
Как цитировать
Школьников , С., и Крутов A. 2021. «МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ДОННЫХ ДЕФОРМАЦИЙ В ПРИБЛИЖЕНИИ КИНЕМАТИЧЕСКОЙ ВОЛНЫ ». EurasianUnionScientists 6 (3(84), 23-37. https://archive.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/691.
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