• S. Shkolnikov
  • A. Krutov
Keywords: Kinematic wave, mathematical model, self-similar solution


The article discusses two possible approaches to generalizing the kinematic wave model for deformable channels, including the approximation in which the law of conservation of fluid mass includes erosion and sedimentation; as well as the approximation according to which the fluid flow is determined by the kinematic wave equation without taking into account bottom deformations.
Comparison of the results of systematic numerical calculations with a self-similar solution for waves with different values of water flow rates showed good agreement.


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How to Cite
Shkolnikov , S., and A. Krutov. 2021. “MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF BOTTOM DEFORMATIONS IN THE APPROXIMATION OF A KINEMATIC WAVE”. EurasianUnionScientists 6 (3(84), 23-37.