• A. Shakirova KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev
  • A. Koibagarova KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev
  • T. Kichina KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev
  • K. Golyaeva KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev
Keywords: acne, severity, anxiety, depression, psychiatrist


Excoriated acne is more common in young women, characterized by permanent damage to areas of the skin with acne rashes that patients squeeze out or tear off. Often, acne is accompanied by severe excoriation, which subsequently leads to emotional and psychological problems.

Author Biographies

A. Shakirova, KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Dermatovenerology,

ISM, Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology

A. Koibagarova , KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Dermatovenerology,

ISM, Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology

T. Kichina , KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Dermatovenerology,

ISM, Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology

K. Golyaeva , KSMA them I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Dermatovenerology,

ISM, Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology


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How to Cite
Shakirova, A., A. Koibagarova, T. Kichina, and K. Golyaeva. 2020. “EXCORIATED ACNE AND PSYCHOEMOTIONAL STATES”. EurasianUnionScientists 3 (10(79), 53-55. https://archive.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/148.