• M. Barysheva Kuban State University
  • M. Marchenko Kuban State University
Keywords: design, designer, concept, analytics, pre-project analysis, design stages


This article tells about the importance of the analytical part of design projects, examines the stages of design, showing the sequence of actions in the development of product design and reflecting the importance of analytics in the existing structure.

Author Biographies

M. Barysheva , Kuban State University

Undergraduate Department of Design

M. Marchenko , Kuban State University

This article tells about the importance of the analytical part of design projects, examines the stages of design, showing the sequence of actions in the development of product design and reflecting the importance of analytics in the existing structure.


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How to Cite
Barysheva , M., and M. Marchenko. 2020. “ANALYTICS IN DESIGN ”. EurasianUnionScientists 4 (10(79), 4-7.