• A. Denisov Institute for Design-technological informatics RAS
  • E. Denisova «Special informational network «Labyrinth»
Keywords: Postindustrialism, Technological environments, Psychohistory, Collective illusion, Syndrome of second experience of patrimonial trauma, Geoclimatic and geophysical crisis, Collective consciousness, Economics of overproduction, Technological singularity, Mashiach, Postindustrial war


In the article based on the method of psychohistory described the system of natural, social, government and religious-phycological crises as demonstration of global population of signs of destabilization of internal structure of collective illusion in the collective consciousness. Shown that the readiness to the discharge of redundant pressure of emotional projections in the collective consciousness of world’s nations caused by that destabilization is a key condition for a beginning of forced introduction of postindustrial technological environments. 


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How to Cite
Denisov , A., and E. Denisova. 2020. “SYSTEM OF FACTORS, CAUSED TRANSFER TO POSTINDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTS ”. EurasianUnionScientists 6 (10(79), 8-15.