• K. Krukovich Российский университет транспорта (МИИТ)
Keywords: structural morphology, boriding, compact layer, pseudo-eutectic structure, heterogeneous layer, stresses, operating conditions, optimization, wear resistance, laser treatment, electron-beam exposure


The study of the structural morphology of effective borated layers is aimed at optimizing the structure for strengthening parts and tools used in certain operating conditions. The main directions of regulation of the structure and properties of borated layers are the compositions of saturating media and the temperature-time parameters of the borating technology. The main characteristics of the borated layers are considered and the analysis of possible structures obtained by various technologies is carried out. On the basis of the accumulated experience, directions of increasing the operational properties of borated layers are given. In conclusion, recommendations are given on the use of individual layer structures in specific operating conditions of hardened parts and tools.


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How to Cite
Krukovich , K. 2020. “ STRUCTURAL MORPHOLOGY OF BORED LAYERS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES”. EurasianUnionScientists 6 (10(79), 30-34.