• Z. Makashova БГТУ «ВОЕНМЕХ»
  • Z. Cherednichenko БГТУ «ВОЕНМЕХ»
  • F. Cherednichenko ГБУ ЦПВМ «Дзержинец»
Keywords: sports rope, video surveillance, dynamic parameter, energy consumption


The article proposes a method for studying the processes during the ascent of an athlete along a vertical rope. The position of the leading and fixing clamps, through which the measuring tapes pass, are recorded by video cameras. Processing the measurement results allows you to establish the coordinates of the position of the athlete and the end of the loaded part of the rope at any time. By analyzing the change in these values, the dynamic parameters of the rope and the athlete's energy consumption are determined. 

Author Biographies

Z. Makashova , БГТУ «ВОЕНМЕХ»


доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта

Z. Cherednichenko , БГТУ «ВОЕНМЕХ»


доцент кафедры электротехники

F. Cherednichenko , ГБУ ЦПВМ «Дзержинец»

Руководитель направления «Спелеотуризм», педагог доп. образования


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How to Cite
Makashova , Z., Z. Cherednichenko, and F. Cherednichenko. 2020. “RESEARCH OF PROCESSES WHEN LIFTING AN ATHLETE ON A ROPE VIDEO SURVEILLANCE”. EurasianUnionScientists 6 (10(79), 54-59.