• S. Vasilief VNIIGeofizika (retired)
Keywords: entangled states, informational interactions and resonances, crowd effects, mental influences, role of photographs


Analysis of new experiments with entangled states of objects (ESO) has shown: ESO is the result of information interactions of entangled objects in combination with information resonance; ESO arises also between materially different purely informational twins; the sharpness of the resonance peak is extremely high; for a clearly defined the ESO, an extremely accurate coincidence of resonating information is required; the physical understanding of the thought actions, the crowd or herd effects and the meaning of the creating ESO procedures has obtained. This gives the innovative technologies.

Author Biography

S. Vasilief , VNIIGeofizika (retired)

PhD in Physics and Mathematics


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How to Cite
Vasilief , S. 2020. “ON THE PHYSICAL NATURE OF ENTANGLED STATES ”. EurasianUnionScientists 7 (10(79), 21-26. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.79.1076.