This article discusses the main aspects of intersubject relations of the subject "Modeling and artistic design of clothing" with special disciplines of professional training of bachelors in the field of artistic embroidery – such as" Performing skills in artistic embroidery"," Improving skills in artistic embroidery"," Technology and materials science"," Technical drawing"," General composition"," Design"," Academic painting"," Decorative painting"," Academic drawing"," Decorative drawing","color Science and coloristics". Attention is drawn to the fact that the work programs of academic subjects based on interdisciplinary connections affect the development of independence, conscious activity, and cognitive interests of students.
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4.Дракина И.К. Самозанятость молодых специалистов в области декоративно-прикладного искусства и народных промыслов / Журнал мир науки, культуры, образования 2020г.[ Drakina I. K. self-Employment of young specialists in the field of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts / journal world of science, culture, education 2020].
5. Камнева С.Ю., Максимович В.Ф. (под научной редакцией) Проектирование. Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Декоративноприкладное искусство и народные промыслы», профиль «Художественная вышивка». – СПб.: ВШНИ, 2014. – 118 с.[ Кamneva S. Yu.,Maksimovich V. F. (under the scientific editorship) Design.
Educational and methodological guide for students studying in the direction of "Decorative and applied arts and crafts", profile "Art embroidery". - SPb.: VSHNI, 2014. - 118 p.]
6.Максимович В.Ф. Современное профессиональное образование в области традиционного прикладного искусства России: монография / В.Ф. Максимович, Н.М. Александрова – СПб.: ВШНИ, 2014. – 56 с. [Maksimovich V. F. Modern professional education in the field of traditional applied art in Russia: monograph / V. F. Maksimovich, N. M. Alexandrova-St. Petersburg: VSHNI, 2014. - 56 p.]
7.Шаповалова И.А. Научно-исследовательская деятельность как ресурс развития творчества будущих художников в области традиционного прикладного искусства и народных промыслов / Журнал традиционное прикладное искусство и образование №3, 2019г. [Shapovalova I. A. Research activity as a resource for the development of creativity of future artists in the field of traditional applied art and folk crafts / Journal of traditional applied art and education No. 3, 2019]/
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