Health workers and the provision of doctors to the population require a thorough analysis of needs, which primarily depend on processes and trends at the European level that exert pressure and affect the sustainability of national health systems. Resource planning in Bulgaria depends on:
- the processes of changing the state system and related long-term health care reform. Processes at the national level directly form managerial, economic and legal problems in the development of the national system of clinical specialization of doctors. In recent years, the medical profession has lost its prestige, as a result of the long-term underestimation of expert human capital in the health care system as a whole, and the process of acquiring a clinical specialty by doctors.
- influence of the macro environment. The main problem is the demographic trend of the aging population in Europe, but other factors should be taken into account, such as working conditions in the health systems of member countries and the mobility of health managers. National health policy on the main cause of migration-the acquisition of a clinical specialty by doctors should traditionally follow the best management practices in our country and in other European countries, combined with the capabilities that today's generation has-technological support for medical practice, e-health and telemedicine. This, in turn, requires a transition to the next stage of development of the system of clinical specialization, regulation of new forms of medical training and qualification of doctors, adequate structures and funding.
It is necessary to take measures to transform the models of training and specialty acquisition in accordance with the changing socio-economic environment, constantly developing social relations related to professional implementation and international requirements for the quality of medical training, specialization and medical care of the population.
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