• V. Shiryaev Skobelkin State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine
  • V. Karandashov Skobelkin State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine
  • F. Shvetskij Skobelkin State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine
  • V. Potievskaya Federal state budgetary institution «NMIC of radiology of the Ministry of Russia
Keywords: optical effects


The purpose of the work: to develop method of potentiation of multimodal anesthesia with led radiation in

650±20 nm and blue 470±10nm range using Autonomous optoelectronic devices.

Abstract . Material and methods. Conducting contact led exposure was carried out portable semiconductor led device AFS K-630/670 in the red range with a wavelength of 470±10 nm. Multimodal anesthesia was perfomed on the patients abdominal profile (n=124) (78 women and 46 men) with concomitant diseases aged 52 to 93 years/ The weight of patients ranged from 64 to 131 kg/ All patients had 3 degree of anesthetic risk according to the classification of MEAR. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the main group and the control group. In the main group (n=68) 42 patients underwent planned laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 26 patients herniation with alloplasty by laparoscopic method. In the control group (n=56) 39 patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic alloplasty in 17 patiemts. 

Results. It is established that the potential multimodal anesthesia portable semiconductor led apparatus ASFto -630/670 in the red range with a wavelength of 650±20 nm and in the blue range ( the control group patients consumption of fentanil made up 4,92±0,34 mg/kg/h in the main 1,23±012 mg/kg/h. The indicator of Central hemodynamics si in main group increased at the end of surgery from 2,28±0,43 l/min/m2 to 3,29 l/min/m2. (OPSS) DIN C. sm-5 with the initial values from 1604,2±367,3 to 1196,7±385,1 DIN. C. sm-5. In the control group si increased at the end of surgery from 2,28±0,43 to 3,29±0,51 l/min/m2. (OPSS) DIN C. sm-5 increased at 1598,7,±426,5 tо 1610,7±429,1 DIN C. sm-5.  

Conclusion. The potentiation of multimodal anesthesia by contact light emitting diodes during abdominal surgeries in the main group allowed, on average, to reduce the dosage of narcotic drugs by 4 times fentanyl analgesics, stabilize hemodynamic parameters, increase the heart index and reduce the total peripheral vascular resistance more than in the control group during the anesthetic treatment.


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How to Cite
Shiryaev , V., V. Karandashov, F. Shvetskij, and V. Potievskaya. 2020. “ПОТЕНЦИРОВАНИЕ МУЛЬТИМОДАЛЬНОЙ АНЕСТЕЗИИ КВАНТОВЫМ ИЗЛУЧЕНИЕМ ПРИ ПОМОЩИ ОПТОЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ УСТРОЙСТВ ”. EurasianUnionScientists 2 (11(80), 71-78. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.2.80.1098.