• M. Lukina The institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch
Keywords: yukaghir language, tundra dialect, Kolyma dialect, modal verbs


The article reveals the features of word formation of modal and evidential verbs in the tundra and Kolyma dialects of the Yukaghir language. As a result of the analysis of the word formation of verbs in the Yukaghir languages, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) the use of modal verbs in speech, one of the components of which are formants (TYu): -moraw =, -mori =, -bun = (-buol =, -buon), - kādi; (LYu): -mozhuu =, -mozhi =, -uol / -miebi ~ biebi / din =, as well as evidential verbs with formants (TYu and LYu): -le / -lel; = lel-te, testifies to the development of the grammatical structure of the Yukaghir languages, - a gradual transition of full-valued words to verb suffixes; 2) the above formants play the role of a kind of derivational means.

Author Biography

M. Lukina , The institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

PhD in Philology, Researcher Fellow Northern Philology


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How to Cite
Lukina , M. 2020. “FEATURES OF WORD FORMATION MODAL AND EVIDENTIAL VERBS IN THE DIALECTS OF THE YUKAGIR LANGUAGE ”. EurasianUnionScientists 4 (11(80), 66-69. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.4.80.1126.