• E. Gasumov Азербайджанский Государственный университет нефти и промышленности
Keywords: economics, state innovation policy, gas industry, production, efficiency, technology


The purpose of the article is to analyze the principles of state innovation policy in the gas industry of Azerbaijan and to identify possible additional reserves that allow the formation and implementation of the national innovation policy in the course of economic reform on an innovative basis.

Research methods - general scientific (synthesis, deduction, induction, generalization, observation, forecasting, scientific abstraction, statistical analysis, logical) methods for grouping and classification, as well as expert assessment.

The work applied a systematic approach to the totality of business entities operating within the framework of the gas industry in Azerbaijan. The research is based on theoretical concepts of macroeconomic regulation of natural resource management in market conditions, as well as the principles of management of such national structures that have been worked out in world practice.

The article discusses the main tasks of determining the priorities for the development of scientific, technical and innovative areas that affect the increase in production efficiency and competitiveness of products in gas industry. The organizational, legal, financial and economic foundations for the development and creation of favorable conditions for the activation of priority tasks and innovation in the gas industry of Azerbaijan have been determined.

The results of the analysis of other states experience in using the resource base for attracting foreign investors to the country, creating for them comfortable working conditions in the field of innovations in the oil and gas industry, are presented. The issues of the development and use of innovative technologies in the gas industry, which make it possible to increase efficiency and bring significant socio-economic effects associated with an increase in gas and gas condensate production, tax revenues, as well as the development of human capital and related sectors of the economy, are considered.

In conclusion, it is noted that the success of the scientific and innovative reform in the gas industry largely depends on how strong the traditions of the country's scientific and technological potential are and on how the state regulates the production strategy of innovative development. For this, a significant scientific and technical potential has been preserved in the republic, which makes it possible to form and implement a national innovation policy in the course of economic reform on an innovative basis.

Author Biography

E. Gasumov, Азербайджанский Государственный университет нефти и промышленности

Канд. экон. наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Gasumov, E. 2020. “ПРИНЦИПЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ИННОВАЦИОННОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ В ОТНОШЕНИИ ГАЗОВОЙ ОТРАСЛИ АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНА ”. EurasianUnionScientists 5 (11(80), 29-33. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.5.80.1131.