Disinfection is one of the classic preventive measures for control of infectious diseases in society and is a mandatory component in the complex of safe methods of work in health facilities, etc. standard precautions. Objective: To study the control of disinfection and sterilization in the conditions of structural health control reform in three districts of the country: Dobrich, Sliven, Veliko Tarnovo.Tasks: 1. Comparative assessment of the control of disinfection and sterilization in Dobrich district for two periods (2009-2013 and 2014-2017). 2. Control of disinfection and sterilization in Sliven and Veliko Tarnovo districts for the period 2014-2016. Materials: normative documents, orders, qualification characteristics, laboratory data, protocols from RHI Dobrich, Sliven Veliko Tarnovo, analyzes, reports, access to public information .Methods: documentary, epidemiological analysis, statistical methods, graphical presentation. Results: We analyze the control of equipment, surfaces on the one hand and the role of the hands of honey. personnel who handle them, as well as the role of disinfectant solutions that are used to decontaminate the equipment.The deficit in ensuring the quality of disinfection and sterilization is most often associated with cost management in hospitals.Conclusions: 1. The comparative characteristics of the control of disinfection and sterilization in Dobrich District (2009-2013) and (2014-2017) show that the restructuring of health control has not significantly affected the control of disinfection and sterilization, but the first year after the reforms RHI - 2011 there is a sharp decrease in the planned control - almost twice, due to a change in the standards for the frequency of control from 4 to 2 times. 2. Deviations from samples for control of disinfection in Sliven for 2014-2016 are found most often in items for patient care -10.34% for 2014, 8.0% for 2015. In the district of Veliko Tarnovo for (2014-2016) year there are no positive samples in the control of sterilization equipment.
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