• А. Худиева Бакинский государственный университет
Keywords: systems, quasi-binary, eutectic, syngony, microhardness


The nature of the interaction in the As2Se3-NdSe system was investigated by the methods of physicochemical (DTA, XRD, MSA, as well as by measuring the microhardness and determining the density), and the T-x phase diagram was constructed. In the As2Se3-NdSe system, one new ternary compound of the composition NdAs2Se4 is formed. It was found that this compound crystallizes in the tetragonal system with lattice parameters: a = 12.62; c = 7.42 Ǻ, Z = 7, ρpuc/. = 5.75.103 kg/cm3; ρrent = 5.99.103 kg/cm3. In the As2Se3-NdSe system based on the basis of As2Se3, solid solutions reach 1.5 mol % NdSe, and on the basis of NdSe - 2 mol % As2Se3. In the As2Se3-NdSe system based on As2Se3, glass-forming regions are found.

Author Biography

А. Худиева , Бакинский государственный университет

 Аспирантка кафедры «Общей и неорганической  химии»


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How to Cite
Худиева , А. 2021. “ХИМИЧЕСКОЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ И СТЕКЛООБРАЗОВАНИЕ В СИСТЕМЕ AS2SE3-NDSE ”. EurasianUnionScientists 3 (12(81), 31-35. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.3.81.1154.