• I. Datskovsky Cabinet of Clinical Psychology and Pathopsychology
Keywords: psychopathy, a list of psychopathic traits, a phenomenological approach, an expert approach


This article is the second in a series of three of our articles on psychopathy. The introduction notes the difficulties and limitations in the diagnosis of childhood psychopathy, especially as part of an expert approach that requires a thorough study of the patient's entire previous life. The second part of the article is devoted to the available tests, questionnaires and diagnostic scales and the difficulties of their use for children are noted. The third part of the article is devoted to neuropsychological methods for diagnosing psychiatry in children and the difference in the perception of emotionally charged samples in healthy and psychopathic children is noted. The fourth part considers the world's most famous tool for diagnosing psychopathy in children within the framework of an expert approach - a List of psychopathic traits - a youthful version of R. Haer and K. Kent and highlights its shortcomings when it is distributed to a younger, pre-adolescent age of the subjects. The fifth part is devoted to the HRBA - MD test, which is proposed for the diagnosis of psychopathy in children at pre-tuberculosis age (612 years) as part of an expert approach and the rules for working with it. This tool, as well as the Youthful version of the List of psychopathic traits, is designed to be filled with specially trained professionals. The sixth part deals with childhood conditions, at a certain age resembling psychopathic traits, but not those. And the conclusion indicates an attempt to clarify a certain analogy in the diagnosis of the stages of psychopathy between sharply dissimilar approaches - expert and phenomenological.

Author Biography

I. Datskovsky , Cabinet of Clinical Psychology and Pathopsychology



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How to Cite
Datskovsky , I. 2020. “DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR CHILDREN’S PSYCHOPATHY PCL-MC ”. EurasianUnionScientists 2 (9(78), 39-51. https://archive.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/40.