The article presents geographical information systems (GIS). It is a technological complex that combines numerous informational technologies. The life of modern society cannot be imagined without using the information space, which covers almost all areas of economic and social activities of society. their specificity lies in the processing of spatial data. One of the most important issue is to improve the mechanisms in order to protect spatial data from illegal use. Regulations that strictly regulate the rules and requirements for the creation and use of geographic information resources are adopted. The value of state information resources lies in their objectivity, reliability, and ability to use them in various types of economic and social activities.
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5.Селедкова Е. Соблюдение и защита авторских прав на картографические произведения, способы их законного использования (17.12.15) Электронный ресурс // Росреестр офиц. сайт URL: https://rosreestr.ru/site/press/news/soblyudeniei-zashchita-avtorskikh-prav nakartograficheskieproizvedeniya-sposoby-ikhzakonnogo-isp/
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1. The freedom to use and perform the work: The licensee must be allowed to make any use, private or public, of the work.
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