The share of contusion trauma, which is characterized by extreme severity and may cause fatal damage to the eye, has expanded in the eye trauma structure. A detailed examination of the functional condition of the contusionaffected eye is needed to determine the extent to which the internal eye structures have been damaged for the purpose of evaluating the scale of the damage, predicting the course of the pathological process and possible outcome of the injury and selecting the adequate tactics and methods of conservative and surgical treatment. The problem of diagnosing contusion trauma remains unsolved owing to many factors, such as the severity of the pathological process, the patient’s late call for medical attention and the inadequate quality of the clinical and instrumental examination. These factors make it increasingly difficult to perform pathogenically-oriented surgery with the objective of restoring correct anatomical interrelations in the injured eye. Despite these problems, the study of the etiology of the trauma helps find new approaches to both therapeutic and surgical treatment of eye trauma and create the best possible conditions for treatment.
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