• Нина Николаевна Карева Sankt-Peterburgskiy Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Universitet
  • Valeria Dmitrievna Shvetsova Sankt-Peterburgskiy Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Universitet
Keywords: HR-brand, social responsibility, motivation, wage, psychological climate, employee turnover


The HR brand represents the image of an employer company in the minds of its employees, as well as potential employees in the labor market. If a company has enough resources to take care of its employees, then this company can be trusted. This approach allows the employer to successfully compete in the labor market for the best specialists and not to experience «personnel hunger» in the future. Companies that consistently implement social programs (i.e. are socially responsible organizations) have the brand of a stable and reliable employer. Sociometric methods are used to control the comfortable state of the organization when studying small groups.

Author Biographies

Нина Николаевна Карева, Sankt-Peterburgskiy Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Universitet
doct. farm. Sci., Professor, St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy
Valeria Dmitrievna Shvetsova, Sankt-Peterburgskiy Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Universitet
part-time postgraduate student of the 3rd year of study


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How to Cite
Карева, Нина Николаевна, and Valeria Dmitrievna Shvetsova. 2020. “TO THE QUESTION OF MANAGING THE HR-BRAND OF THE PHARMACY ORGANIZATION”. EurasianUnionScientists 1 (70), 61-63.