The results of studies of the vegetative propagation of Colchicum autumnale L. in the conditions of the Tashkent oasis are given. Corms were planted at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, and the planting depth was 10-12 cm. Such a depth of planting of corms is considered optimal for growing. This is evidenced by many years of introduction studies, as well as literary sources. Ordinary planting will allow us to timely care for plants throughout the growing season. The experiments showed the possibility of its successful cultivation in Tashkent. To study the influence of soil conditions on the growth and development of plants, experiments were carried out in 2 (on ordinary soils and with the movement of humus or leaf humus) options.
It was revealed that soil conditions have a positive effect on plant development. In plants growing on more favorable conditions due to the conservation of soil moisture, the growth and development of plants, as well as the duration of flowering, increase by 10-15 days. The addition of organic fertilizers to the soil provides an increase in the biomass of corms 2 times or more.
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