• E. Mendot Department of physical culture of Tuva STATE University
  • E. Mendot Department of physical culture of Tuva STATE University,
  • I. Mendot "Tuvan state University", Kyzyl pedagogical College Kyzyl Republic of Tuva of the Russian Federation
  • E. Mendot GBUZ MO «Moscow regional research clinical Institute» M. F. Vladimirsky
Keywords: physical exercises, health, yoga, physical culture, movement, breathing, psychology, physiology


This article considers that yoga is a teaching and method of managing the human psyche and physiology in order to achieve higher mental States, change the ontological status of a person. Everyone can do yoga, starting with the youngest and ending with the elderly, since it can be organized among students with impaired health in secondary and higher educational institutions, yoga is the most sparing type of physical activity, and everyone can do it regardless of the degree of physical fitness. Regular yoga classes lead to the development of a whole range of physical qualities. Yoga leads to optimal functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems, which contributes to the necessary saturation of blood with oxygen and significantly increases the functionality of the circulatory system in the tendons and muscles, supplying tissues with oxygen. Yoga has a beneficial effect on the human body, improves flexibility, elasticity of muscles and tendons, improves body control, self-confidence, increases vitality, performance and inner spiritual world.

Author Biographies

E. Mendot , Department of physical culture of Tuva STATE University

PhD, associate Professor

E. Mendot, Department of physical culture of Tuva STATE University,

senior lecturer

I. Mendot , "Tuvan state University", Kyzyl pedagogical College Kyzyl Republic of Tuva of the Russian Federation

candidate of pedagogic Sciences, senior teacher of chair of physical culture

E. Mendot , GBUZ MO «Moscow regional research clinical Institute» M. F. Vladimirsky

resident cardiologist


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How to Cite
Mendot , E., E. Mendot, I. Mendot, and E. Mendot. 2021. “YOGA AS A COMPONENT OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE OF THE POPULATION OF TUVA ”. EurasianUnionScientists 1 (1(82), 30-35.