The systems Bi2Se3-Er2Se3 and Sb2Se3-Er2Se3, which are a quasi-binary section of the ternary system Er-BiSe and Er-Sb-Se, have been studied by the methods of physicochemical analysis.
Indication of powder X-ray diffraction patterns established that the formation of ternary phases of the composition Er-Sb (Bi)-Se3 of the compounds ErSbSe3 and ErBiSe3 crystallize in the orthorhombic system of the stibnite type: the parameters of the crystal lattice of ErSbSe3 are as follows a = 12.49, b = 14.25, c = 4, 15 Å, and ErBiSe3 a = 12.43, b = 14.20, c = 3.95 Å. The solubility of Er2Se3 on the side of Bi2 (Sb2) Se3 is 3-5 mol% at a temperature of 300K, respectively.
MSA shows that alloys of the Er2Se3-Sb2Se3 (Bi2Se3) system with a content of 95.97.50 mol. % Er2Se3 consist of one phase, and the rest of two phases. ErBiSe3 compounds with a solid solution based on Bi2Se3 form a eutectic containing 15 mol. % Er2Se3, which melts at 700K.
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