• A. Hurramov
  • L. Bobokeldieva Термезский государственный университет
Keywords: fauna, ecological groups, phytohelminthological research, phytonematodes, wheat, wild cereals


The article analyzes the fauna and ecology of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereal plants in Uzbekistan. Common methods in phytohelminthology were used to study the fauna of nematodes.As a result of studies in plants and root soil of wheat and wild grasses, 237 species of nematodes belonging to 2 subclasses, 8 orders, 12 suborders, 16 superfamilies, 36 families, 43 subfamilies and 83 genera were registered.Also, in the ecological analysis, the registered nematodes were distributed according to ecological groups as follows: pararisobionts - 51 species, eusaprobionts - 18, devisaprobes - 63, nonspecific parasites - 84, true parasites - 21 species.It was noted that the found parasitic nematodes were few in number, but the identification of a high density of their populations would cause a serious threat to wheat.

Author Biographies

A. Hurramov

Доктор биологических наук, доцент кафедры зоологии

L. Bobokeldieva , Термезский государственный университет

Докторант кафедры зоологии


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How to Cite
Hurramov , A., and L. Bobokeldieva. 2020. “FAUNA AND ECOLOGY OF WHEAT AND WILD CEREAL PLANTS OF UZBEKISTAN”. EurasianUnionScientists 3 (9(78), 30-36. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.3.78.1010.