The article is devoted to the linguostatistic analysis of the nominacentric proverbs of the English language. The analysis was carried out on the basis of a proverb dictionary. Folk proverbs and sayings of the English language in the studied dictionary have great didactic and educational value, since they assert moral norms (hard work, patriotism, love for the homeland, respect for elders, courage, etc.) and condemn human vices (laziness, cowardice, greed, etc.).
The analyzed proverbial dictionary of the English language (Collection of English proverbs and sayings, 1987) contains about 1015 proverbs and sayings, which are arranged thematically. The materials of the dictionary demonstrate the richness of the figurative means of the language, its history and culture, the rules of the people’s life, which are passed from generation to generation for many centuries. Linguostatistic analysis and description are carried out on the basis of nominacentric proverbs with the basic notion "man". They occupy a large place in the proverbial fund of the English language, both in content and quantity and in the ways of their expression. The method of linguostatistical analysis and the semantic-stylistic method were used in the process of scientific research.
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