• L. Ibragimov Samarkand state university
  • A. Akbarov Samarkand state university
  • D. Ubaydullayev Samarkand state university


The indicators, types and forms of employment, indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the employment, and the factors affecting population employment were mentioned in this work. In addition, the description is also given to the characteristics of the formation of the labor market. It is very important to understand economic, demographic, and social meaning of employment in the process of investigating the employment of population. Economic meaning of employment can be seen in terms of supporting the good life from its own labor for staff. In addition, it helps in the development of the effectiveness of production. Social meaning of employment refers to human growth and development (Sovi, 1977). Demographic meaning of employment can be seen in the connection of age and gender characters, its structure, and others.

Биографии авторов

L. Ibragimov , Samarkand state university


A. Akbarov , Samarkand state university

scientific researcher

D. Ubaydullayev , Samarkand state university



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Как цитировать
Ibragimov , L., A. Akbarov, и D. Ubaydullayev. 2021. «EMPLOYMENT OF POPULATION AND FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCES IT ». EurasianUnionScientists 5 (1(82), 4-7. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.5.82.1230.