• G. Sidorenko Peter the Great St. Petersburg polytechnic university
  • A. AlJamil Peter the Great St. Petersburg polytechnic university
Keywords: wind power plant, parameters, technical and economical optimization, wind turbine


A technical and economic model of a wind power plant has been developed. Parameterization was carried out and the main parameters of the wind power plant were identified. Statistical relationships of parameters with capital investments in wind turbines and costs of their operation and maintenance were established. The criterion for the search for optimal parameters is taken as the minimum discounted unit costs for the production of electrical energy for the economic life of the wind power plant. To do this, the electricity production in a wind power plant must be maximized by reducing the so-called wake effect that is created in a wind farm due to the shading of some wind turbines by others. The velocity reduction behind each wind turbine is estimated. An algorithm for optimizing the parameters of a wind power plant has been developed. An optimization model was used to determine the parameters of the Hasia wind power plant.

Author Biographies

G. Sidorenko , Peter the Great St. Petersburg polytechnic university

doctor of technical science, professor

A. AlJamil , Peter the Great St. Petersburg polytechnic university

graduate student


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How to Cite
Sidorenko , G., and A. AlJamil. 2021. “WIND POWER PLANT PARAMETERS OPTIMIZATION MODEL ”. EurasianUnionScientists 5 (1(82), 35-41.