• R. Lalayan FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"
  • A. Barilo FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"
  • D. Chernoivanov FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"
  • S. Shirkhanyan FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"
Keywords: cathepsin B, enzyme, pathogenesis, gestosis, gestations, trimesters of pregnancy, placenta, GENDER, apoptosis.


The issues of prevention and prediction of complications of pregnancy, determination of the tactics of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the management of gestation, childbirth, and the postpartum period, despite the progress made in this area of medicine, are far from being resolved.

In this article, a study is carried out on one of the sides of the problem of pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of gestosis. It was determined that this symptom complex develops mainly in the second half of pregnancy, against the background of various degrees of perinatal risk.

It was found that the activity of cathepsin B, a lysosomal enzyme of the hydrolase class, increases both in the control group during the physiological course of pregnancy and with an increase in gestational age, especially in patients with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, somatic diseases, and other problems that arose during the prolongation of pregnancy ... We have found that the values of the parameters of this enzyme in the serum of the venous blood of pregnant women in the first, second and third trimesters of gestation are significantly higher in patients with already verified gestosis in the second half of pregnancy, compared with its normal development. It should be noted that the above changes manifest already at the beginning of gestation, that is, in its first trimester, which is not yet identified with the formation and development of a real symptom complex of gestosis, as well as other pathological influences on the state of the mother-placenta-fetus system.

Author Biographies

R. Lalayan , FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"

MZRF Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry No. 1, Russia

A. Barilo, FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"

MZRF Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry No. 1, Russia

D. Chernoivanov , FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"

MZRF Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry No. 1, Russia

S. Shirkhanyan , FSBEI HE "Rostov State Medical University"

Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry No. 1, Russia


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How to Cite
Lalayan , R., A. Barilo, D. Chernoivanov, and S. Shirkhanyan. 2021. “CATEPSIN B AS A POSSIBLE PREDICTOR OF GESTOSIS”. EurasianUnionScientists 2 (2(83), 19-23.