• R. Varpikhovskyi
  • O. Kucherenko Vinnytsya National Agricultural University
Keywords: microclimate, calf, restraint, leash, stall period, temperature regime


There is a direct relationship that the microclimate of the room affects the growth and development and health of calves. Temperature and humidity are also important. Comfortable conditions for animals depend on it.

It is established that the most promising is the individual keeping of dairy calves, in contrast to the group, it completely eliminates the contact of animals, thus preventing the spread of infections between them. In addition, it creates guaranteed conditions for normalized feeding of animals according to their age and level of development and allows, if necessary, to individually adjust the level of rearing. This contributes to the creation in the production environment of a simple, clear and manageable system of growing young.

Author Biographies

R. Varpikhovskyi

candidate of agricultural sciences

O. Kucherenko , Vinnytsya National Agricultural University

 graduate student


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How to Cite
Varpikhovskyi, R., and O. Kucherenko. 2021. “INFLUENCE OF ROOM MICROCLIMATE AND CONDITIONS MAINTENANCE ON PRODUCTIVITY CALF OF THE MILK PERIOD ”. EurasianUnionScientists 2 (2(83), 30-36.