This article is devoted to the discovery of long-term cyclic psychophysical pendulum processes in the history of the ethnic groups of the northern hemisphere for the period from about 5500 BC to the 21st century. The discovery was made based on the analysis of related disciplines: DNA genealogy, linguistics, history, mythology, and climatology. And, in particular, my empirical conclusions. The "Theory of wave history " (hereinafter – TWH) is relevant for the study of deep and large-scale processes of history in large periods of time. TWH reveals the cyclical nature of history with a period of approximately 1850 years, in similar phases of which similar or similar psychophysical phenomena occur, which form the general vector of history. On the basis of the TWH, it is possible to resolve issues of white spots of history. TWH is based on the psychophysical feature of a person to create within the current and popular framework of society, because history itself puts its heroes on the lists. This shows its immanence and its worldliness. TWH does not aim to describe history as a collection of accumulated progress, it does not concern the economic and political spheres. TWH is a method of historical research.
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