The Muslim world is playing an increasingly prominent role. The need to integrate harmoniously into the system of the world economy, as well as not only preserve but also strengthen their traditional cultural heritage in the face of the powerful influence of Western spiritual values, push Muslim countries to consolidate their forces, which is carried out in a variety of forms, one of which is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Interaction with the Russian Federation plays a significant role in the Organization's activities. These relationships have a certain history that knows the ups and downs. When studying the nature of relations between the Russian Federation and the OIC, the main contradictions and problems of relations, successes and failures of Russian policy are identified, which is necessary for building a further foreign policy course in relation to this international institution.
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Matvienko: Russia is interested in developing relations with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation - Politics - TASS ( 17. Caricature as an information weapon // "Medina al-Islam", No. 4 (17), April 2006/1427.
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