• I. Shelekhov GSKH FGBOU VO "IRNITU"
  • G. Shelikhova FGBOU VO "IRNITU"
Keywords: jade, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, thermoelectric system, heat transfer


The article presents the results of the research of a master student of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education IRNITU, which were carried out in the preparation of the final qualification work. The article presents a literature review that showed that jade is one of the most favorable stones for heat transfer surfaces of heating systems and thermoelectric systems. On the basis of a patent search, the authors have shown that nephrite has not only medicinal properties, but also has good dielectric characteristics and has good thermal conductivity, heat transfer and heat capacity, these properties of nephrite will have a positive effect on human living conditions. The article shows that the applied technical solution will give thermoelectric devices additional competitive advantages.

Author Biographies


Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department

G. Shelikhova , FGBOU VO "IRNITU"

Master's student group GSKhm-19-1


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How to Cite
Shelekhov, I., and G. Shelikhova. 2021. “THE USE OF JADE IN THERMOELECTRIC SYSTEMS”. EurasianUnionScientists 4 (2(83), 14-16.