• G. Abilkasimova Bolashaq Academy, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • У. Kireeva Bolashaq Academy, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • L. Tukbaeva Bolashaq Academy, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Keywords: aspects, social, adolescent, adolescent, relationship, conflict, psychophysiology, personality.


The article deals with the psychological aspects of determining the personality of adolescents, which is considered to be the most difficult period of adolescence as a person. The results of the study of the development of a person of high school age, psychological functions to determine the psychological characteristics of any personality are presented. In the article, the authors analyzed the definitions of many domestic and foreign scientists on the personality traits of adolescents. As a result, it has been proven that adolescence is one of the most critical age periods, when the child becomes "difficult".

Author Biographies

G. Abilkasimova , Bolashaq Academy, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology

У. Kireeva, Bolashaq Academy, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

L. Tukbaeva, Bolashaq Academy, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

2 course master


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How to Cite
Abilkasimova , G., KireevaУ., and L. Tukbaeva. 2021. “DETERMINATION OF PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ADOLESCENTS PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS”. EurasianUnionScientists 1 (3(84), 42-45.