• E. Yakubova CPD of the Tyumen State Medical University of the Russian Federation
  • R. Alborov Tyumen State Medical University of the Russian Federation
Keywords: coronavirus, lipid peroxidation, procoagulant activity, antioxidants.


Based on a metanalysis of clinical observations in different countries with practical experience in the treatment of pneumonia complicated by the syndrome of multiple organ failure caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the effectiveness of various therapies in patients. viruses modify the apparatus of biosynthesis of cells in the body as a whole. Therefore, finding drugs that have an exceptional effect on viruses without infecting the body is a difficult task. Various antiviral drugs (ribaverin, interferons and glucocorticosteroids, antiparasitic, antimalarials (Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine) are effective at certain stages of the infectious process, however, they are toxic and therapy with these drugs has risks of developing severe cytopenia, hepatotoxicity, neuropsychiatric disorders and severe ischemia Interleukin antagonists (Tocilizumab, Anakindra, Levilimab) are effective in severe cases with an increase in IL-6, as they limit the cascade of activation of cells of the immune system, reduce the effect of "cytokine storm" in the formation of acute respiratory distress syndrome and endothelial dysfunction of the pulmonary vessels.

Discussion. In an experimental study R.G. Alborov, in the framework of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences (2001), in which nonlinear white rats were used, it was demonstrated that: activators of lipid peroxidation (LPO), different in nature and biological activity, inhibition of the transformation of arachidonic acid in platelets reduces, along with proaggregant activity, the intensity of LPO processes in them. Based on the experimental data obtained, it can be considered appropriate to study the effect of antioxidants as agents that enhance the effects of antiplatelet inhibitors of the transformation of arachidonate and platelets. It can be expected that antioxidants, by reducing the procoagulant activity of platelets, due to inhibition of LPO, can enhance the effect of antiplatelet agents.

Findings. 1. The effectiveness of antioxidant therapy for infection with SAPS-COV-2 viruses, including COVID-19, is beyond doubt. It is important that antioxidant therapy was prescribed before the development of lipid peroxidation and "cytokine storm" and an increase in the procoagulant activity of platelets, that is, at the initial stage of infection.

  1. Antioxidant therapy presupposes adequate dosages according to the type of "saturating phase of treatment" with subsequent transfer to maintenance doses.

Currently, no drugs have been found that have an exceptional effect on viruses without affecting the body. Antioxidants are protective at the cellular level. In addition, they practically do not cause side effects. It is advisable to prescribe antioxidant drugs in large doses in the complex therapy of viral infections.

Author Biographies

E. Yakubova, CPD of the Tyumen State Medical University of the Russian Federation

Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Obstetrics, gynecology and resuscitation with a course of clinical-laboratory diagnostics, endocrinologist of the highest qualification, obstetrician-gynecologist of  the Scientific and Practical Medical Center "Uro-Prof"

R. Alborov , Tyumen State Medical University of the Russian Federation

Doctor med. sciences, professor of the Department of General Surgery.

Urologist-andrologist of the highest qualification.

General Director of the Scientific and Practical Medical Center "Uro-Prof".

Chairman of the Professional Society of Urologists of the Tyumen Region


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