• N. Mamedova Baku State University
Keywords: phase, eutectic, microhardness, solidus, liquidus


The physicochemical study of the Bi2Te3-HoTe3 system was carried out by differential thermal (DTA), X-ray phase (XRD), microstructural (MSA) methods, as well as by measuring the microhardness and determining the density, and a T-x phase diagram was constructed. It was found that the Bi2Te3-HoTe3 system is a partially quasibinary section of the Bi-Ho-Te ternary system. The system is undergoing eutectic equilibrium and peritectic transformation. Solid solutions based on Bi2Te3 at room temperature reach 6 mol % HoTe3, while solid solutions based on HoTe3 have practically not been established.

Author Biography

N. Mamedova , Baku State University

Postgraduate student of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry


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How to Cite
Mamedova , N. 2021. “SYNTHESIS AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL STUDY OF THE Bi2Te3-HoTe3 SYSTEM”. EurasianUnionScientists 3 (3(84), 43-47.