• Yu. Muzalevskaya Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Keywords: sports, tracksuit, vestimental fashion, fashion designer Jean Patou, Chanel, T-shirt.


The XX century was a turning point for the history of costume, it was during this period that the female image takes on new outlines. Sophisticated dresses in the Art Nouveau style give way to simple forms, the female figure strives for androgyny. An active lifestyle helps to make the figure more slender and athletic. The increasing popularity of the desire to engage in sports exercises, pushes fashion designers to search for new materials and practical types of clothing that allows you to achieve better results. The accelerating pace of life gradually leads to the fact that a sports suit occupies one of the leading places in the wardrobe of a modern person. By the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century, sports are becoming a way of life, and clothing for classes and outdoor activities is becoming an integral part of it. Thanks to the practicality and functionality of sports urban clothing, it visually brings together the image of a man and a woman.

Author Biography

Yu. Muzalevskaya , Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

Cand. Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology and Artistic Design of Knitwear


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How to Cite
Muzalevskaya , Yu. 2021. “LEVELING THE FEATURES OF MASCULINITY AND FEMININITY IN A SPORTS SUIT ”. EurasianUnionScientists 4 (3(84), 12-17. https://archive.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/667.