The article presents an analysis of the procedure for challenging a judge in the history of the judicial process in Russia under the Judicial Charters of 1864. The problem of disqualification of a judge in a judicial proceeding is associated with requirements for the objectivity and impartiality of a judge. The pinnacle of the development of this institution was the norms enshrined precisely in the Charters of 1864. In particular, it was assumed that both the judge's self-recusation and his recusation by the side of the trial. The article is of interest to teachers and students of the legal and historical specialty.
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1.6 Criminal Procedure Charter 1864 Moscow; Berlin: Direct-Media, 2015 .-- 646 p. - URL: // http: // (date of access: 28.01.2021). - ISBN 978-5-4475-4100-2. - Text: electronic.
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