• E. Bilchenko National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanova
Keywords: poetry, philosophy, digital technologies, semiotics, hermeneutics, syntagma, paradigm.


In the article, on the interdisciplinary methodological basis of the classical semiotics of culture and cultural comparative studies, supplemented by the developments of Lacanism and post-Lacanian psychoanalysis of the Ljubljana school, information aesthetics and tranzaesthetics, critical theory, French structuralism and poststructuralism, a strategy of dialogue between poetry and philosophy as the phenomena of traditional Logos in postmoderism is developed. ... The main problem of the modern poetic word is the loss of ontological adequations and spiritual implications by the text as a result of the inclusion of artistic creativity in the cyberspace of global digital multicultural capitalism. A comparative analysis of the projects of globalism and anti-globalism has demonstrated the priority of commercial culture as a prestigious social model for the formation of the poet's symbolic capital and network promotion. The orientation of the free market towards the sponsor's occupation of poetic creativity increasingly deprives poetry of the semantic invariants of authentic civilizational memory, which is eroded by trends in branding, advertising, and image, and is transformed into a souvenir, simulacrum, ersatz, and trademark. The only guarantor of the actualization of the basic cultural meanings of poetry is traditionalism, but its often grotesque, ultra-conservative and nostalgic character is not able to maintain the competitiveness of the tradition, its attractiveness for the younger generation and vivid personal subjectivity. A harmonious balance between traditionalism and postmodernism in poetry is possible if new technologies are used as forms of presentation and means of promoting the classical poetic tradition in the modern world, while maintaining the primacy of the goal for poetry, in relation to which the “creativity” of managerial entrepreneurship is a secondary means. We regard poetry as a point of semiotic intersection of a static sign in space (syntagma) and dynamic meaning in time (paradigm). Inside this point, in the zero phoneme, the author resides, regaining integrity, continuity, essence and selfhood instead of gaping, alienation and lack due to the correct correlation of the ontological goals of poetry and its ontic cases. Poetry in this context is a kind of a formula for the harmony of the metonymy of the real-symbolic language of culture and the metaphor of its ideal imaginary meanings. To find harmony between tradition and innovation, metaphysics and dialectics, synchronicity and diachrony, the gene code of culture and a historically labile cultural image is capable of culturology as a science based on philosophy (ontology and axiology), philology (hermeneutics and journalism), social sciences.

Author Biography

E. Bilchenko , National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanova

Doctor of Culturology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Culturology and Philosophical Anthropology

Leading Researcher, Institute of Cultural Studies, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine


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How to Cite
Bilchenko , E. 2021. “POETRY, PHILOSOPHY, TECHNOLOGY IN THE LIGHT OF CULTUROLOGY: DIALOGUE STRATEGY”. EurasianUnionScientists 4 (3(84), 26-33. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.4.84.1292.