The newest Karsky grape variety, complexly stable with colored pulp and juice, was bred in Greece in 2014 by crossing the Ommonia varieties with a mixture of pollen from the EFIAGE-3 and EFIAGE-4 varieties. The duration of the production period is 146-155 days. Vigor of shoot growth is strong (2.1-3.0 m.). The yield is high. The average weight of a bunch is 180 g. It is characterized by high winter hardiness, drought resistance and increased resistance to fungal diseases. The flower is hermaphrodite. Cylindrical-conical bunch of medium density. The berry is small, round, blue-black in color with a thick waxy bloom. The skin is firm and firm. Intensely colored pulp and juice with varietal flavor. The sugar content is very high. The variety is intended for the production of intensely colored wines of various categories, high-quality juices, suitable for the production of grape vodka.
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