The article studies the features of growth and development of pea varieties in the conditions of gray soils of Nakhchivan Autonomous Respublic of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Productivity and resistance of the variety are inseparable indicators. It arises as a result of the interaction of many genetic systems, physiological and biochemical processes in plants, which can vary at different stages of ontogeny, to varying degrees, can be associated with final productivity and resistance, and reflect quantitative and qualitative characteristics. It is very important to determine these indicators, especially in the eatly stages of plant growth and development, widespread in the practice of selection. The research was conducted in the fields of auxiliary experimental farms of “Araz” Scientific Production Association named after academician H. A, Aliyev in 2016-2018.
The object of the study was 3 varieties of peas. Filed experiments were performed 4 times. The registration area of the plots is 20 m2. The cowing norm is 230 thousand units. Seeds per hectare. Sowing was carriedout by sowing CH-10 seeds.
Thus, field germination and planting density depend on a complex set of agro- technical, soil and metrological conditions. The more these conditions meet the needs of the germinating seed, the higher the germinating capacity of the field.
The most intensive growth of pea plants occurs in the 7-13 leaf phase or before flowering, and then growth rate slows down slightiy.
Thus, in 2016-2018, the plants of the variety Ranniy-301 shed their leaves in the first period of bean formation. Fidan variety retains 15,4 % of the yellow leaves and the 221/1 variety retains the active leaves for a longer period of time.
In our experiments, Ranniy-301 and Fidan leafy varieties were distinguished by intensive growth and rapid leaf formation.
The stem length varied between 37-78 cm in 2017, 37-74 cm in 2016, and 38-58 cm in 2018, which is relatively favorable for the growth and development of peas.
In our experiments, the growth of the vegetable pea bush was observed during the years of high rainfall.
In the period from germination to flowering, in 2017-2018, there were 92,0 and 79,3 mm of precipitation, respectively, and in 2016, 43,7 mm of precipitation.
Derending on the characteristics of the variety, the full vegetation period in 2016 ranged from 59 to 62 days, in 2017, this period was 66-69 days, and in 2018 it was 68-70 days.
On average, in 2016-2018, a small amount of seeds per plant was recorded in Ranniy-301 and 221/1 varietis.
The mass of 1000 seeds depends on the characteristics of the species and external factors. On average, in the cultivation of 2016-2018, Ranniy-301 and Fidan varieties were distinguished by a high mass of 1000 seeds.
In our experience, the productivity of varieties has changed a lot over the years. Thus, in 2017, all varieties studied, unfavorable for the growth and development of peas, significantly reduced grain yields. Productivity varied between 34,7- 43,2 s/ha.
In 2017, which was warmer, the average protein content of the varieties was 22,6 %, while in relatively dry but cool 2018 it was only 18,6 %.
Thus, the level of germination and plant survival in the field is affected by the climatic conditions of the year and the genotype of the species.
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