Most of the ideas from the scientific heritage of Academician E.M. Galimova is of global importance, setting vectors of development for important spheres of activity of the world's population. These are thermonuclear energy, clarification of cosmic genesis, orientation in the dynamics of the planet's climate and understanding of evolutionary scenarios for the development of complex natural and social systems. Bringing these ideas to concrete scientific and practical developments will require an interdisciplinary study of such ideas by teams of scientists and politicians.
E.M. Galimov. Fenomen zhizni. Mezhdu ravnovesiem i nelinejnostyu. Proishozhdenie i principy evolyucii. M. URSS, 2001.
E.M. Galimov. Concept of Sustained ordering and ATP-related mechanism of life’s origin. Inter. Jour. Mol. Sci., 2009, 10, 2019-2030.
V.A. Dementev. Kompyuternoe modelirovanie processa vozniknoveniya geneticheskogo koda. V sbornike «Problemy zarozhdeniya i evolyucii biosfery» pod red. E.M. Galimova, M:, URSS, 2008, 79-94.
Dement’ev V.A. The Driving Forces of Evolution. ISSN 0016_7029, Geochemistry International, 2014, 52, (13), 1146–1189. (c) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
V.A. Dementev. Vozniknovenie prostejshego geneticheskogo koda kak etap himicheskoj evolyucii Zemli. Geohimiya. 2018. №. 1. S. 70-76. Dement’ev V. A. Origin of the simplest genetic code as an evolutionary stage of the Earth. Geochemistry International. 2018. V. 56. No. 1. P. 65-70. DOI: 10.1134/S0016702918010020
Dementiev V.A. Interaction of radicals in polypeptides. Current Research in Biopolymers: CRBP-101. DOI: 10.29011/CRBP-101. 000001
V.A. Dementiev. Quantitative description of the course of chemical evolution. Current Research in Biopolymers: CRBP-108. DOI: 10.29011/CRBP-108. 000008
V.A. Dementev. Scenarij evolyucionnogo razvitiya kak chast ideologii. Evrazijskij Soyuz Uchenyh (ESU). Ezhemesyachnyj nauchnyj zhurnal. – № 12 (57) / 2018, 6 chast. – S. 32-38. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2018.6.57.32-38 URL: df
V.A. Dementiev. How to: the origin of life or the rise of life and death? Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 26(1)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004293. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2020.26.004293
V.A. Dementiev. Virus as evolutionary product of the world of biopolymers. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 27(4)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004541. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2020.27.004541
V.A. Dementiev. The Formation of Genetic Memory at Various Stages of the Evolution of the Earth. Journal of Current Trends in Physics Research and Applications. 1(1): 107.
V.A. Dementiev. Regularities of Evolution from Biopolymers to Social Systems. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 32(1)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.005209. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2020.32.005209
V.A. Dementiev. On a new regularity for natural systems development in the Galimov’s concept of evolution. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 34(2)-2021. BJSTR. MS.ID.005530. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.34.005530
V.A. Dementiev. Social Instincts as Regulators of the Current Stage of the Earth’s Evolution. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 34(5)-2021. BJSTR. MS.ID.005626. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.34.005626
Galimov E. M. Formation of the Moon and the Earth from a common supraplanetary gas-dust cloud (lecture presented at the XIX all-Russia symposium on isotope geochemistry on November 16, 2010) // Geochemistry Int. 2011; (49): 537–554.
Galimov E. M., Krivtsov A. M., Zabrodin A. V. et al. Dynamic Model for the Formation of the Earth — Moon System // Geochem. International. 2005; 43(11): 1045–1055.
V.A. Dementev. O modelirovanii formirovaniya sistemy Zemlya-Luna v ramkah gipotezy Galimova. Shkola nauki. № 7 (44)-2021 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5136606
E.M. Galimov. Possibility of Natural Diamond Synthesis under Conditions of Cavitation, occurring in a Fast-moving Magmatic Melt. NATURE. VOL. 243, JUNE 15 1973.
L.A. Gribov, V.A. Dementev. Volnovye dvizhenii ya molekulyarnyh nanostrukturah: rezultaty kompyuternyh eksperimentov. Zhurnal strukturnoj himii, 2010, Tom 51, № 2, 331-336
V.I. Baranov, L.A. Gribov, V.A. Dementev, I.V. Mihajlov. Nekotorye obshie zakonomernosti formirovaniya slozhnyh molekulyarnyh obektov na rannih stadiyah obrazovaniya biosfery kak sledstvie fizicheskih svojstv kondensirovannyh sred. Geohimiya, 2016, № 11, s. 1046–1054
V.A. Dementev. Strana: Ideologiya: Evolyuciya. Preprint razmeshyon na sajte GEOHI v razdele «Nashi izbrannye stranicy».
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