The paper presents the results of a lysimetric experiment to study the aftereffect of the use of biocompost on the change in agrochemical parameters of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil. The positive influence of the aftereffect of the use of biocompost and effluent on the agrochemical properties of the soil has been experimentally established. The best result in improving the agrochemical indicators of soddy-podzolic sandy loam soil is observed with the aftereffect from the use of 10 t/ha of biocompost based on the joint composting of animal waste with sewage sludge from housing and communal services. Thus, the amount of absorbed bases increased by 1,9 mmol/100 g; the degree of soil saturation with bases increased by 1,6 %; organic matter content increased by 0,64 %; the content of mobile phosphorus increased by 250 mg/kg; the content of mobile potassium increased by 19 mg/kg.
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