The paper presents the results of studying the effect of mineral and organic fertilizers on the yield and quality of vegetating hybrid seedlings of sea buckthorn, when growing them in a heated polycarbonate greenhouse, on a substrate of peat + soil + sand (1:1:1). As a result of the research, it was found that the maximum yield of seedlings – 85 % and 72 % was noted on the substrate peat + soil + sand, with the use of mineral fertilizers NPK and horse manure, respectively, and the minimum yield of seedlings was in the control variant, on the substrate - soil without the use of fertilizers and amounted to only 29 %. At the same time, the best option for the development of the aboveground part (the length of the seedling is 45.2 cm and the diameter of the root neck is 5.8 mm, the number of roots is 24 pcs., their length is 34 cm,) were in the variant using NPK. Minimal development of shoots and roots had seedlings in the control variant on the substrate - soil
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