This scientific article presents the results on the influence of biological stimulators of plant growth and
development on biometric indicators, biochemical composition and productivity of watermelon culture in the
conditions of the southeast of Kazakhstan. It was established that the largest watermelon fruits were formed on
stimulants: BioZZ, 5 l/ha (A.5) - 19.7 cm and 1284.9; Blackjack, 0.7 l/ha (A.2) - 19.7 cm and 1315.1 grams;
Gibbersib, p., 30 g/kg (A.9) - 19.9 cm and 1265.7 and MERS, 1.2 l/ha (A.4) - 20.2 cm and 1318.5 grams.
A high total sugar content was noted on the BlackJack variants, 0.7 l/ha (A.2); Gibbersib, p., 30 g/kg (A.9);
MERS, 1.2 l/ha (A.4) and Atonik Plus, w.r., 0.2 l/ha (A.8) - from 17.08 to 17.34%; ascorbic acid - on the variants:
Gibbersib, p., 30 g / kg (A.9) - 10.06 mg%; MERS, 1.2 l/ha (A.4) - 10.08 mg%; BioZZ, 5 l/ha (A.5) - 10.71 mg%
and Atonic Plus, w.s., 0.2 l/ha (A.8) - 10.78 mg%; dry soluble substances - from 11.32% to 13.25% on options
A.2-A.10. The indicator of NO3-N content in watermelon fruits was 38-71 mg per 1 kg of wet weight, depending
on the variants of the experiment.
The highest indicator of fruit productivity among those studied was obtained in experiments where
watermelon was cultivated with Terra-Sorb, 1.2 l/ha (23.24 t/ha), MERS, 1.2 l/ha (23.90 t/ha). ha) and Atonic Plus,
w.r., 0.2 l/ha (24.33 t/ha).
Scientific experiments were included and held at the experimental sites of the regional branch “Kainar” of
Food and Vegetable Research Institute LLP during the period 2020-2021.
So, classical research methods, generally recognized in melon cultivation, were used in experiments.
The research was made within grant project for postdoctoral scholars for 2020-2022, using Unique Record
Number: AР 08052493.
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