The proposed algorithm for identifying in the topological features of the spatial organization of intercortical interactions of brain potentials in subjects in a state of calm wakefulness markers of the makings of the ability to successfully perform various types of cognitive activity is characterized by significant novelty. It is based on the well-known, though not so widespread, ideas about the existence of biological markers in the bioelectric activity of the human brain, which are characteristic general and special abilities of the individual , that is markers of the possibility of effective performance of different types of cognitive activity. These concepts in psychophysiology, starting with the work of A. N. Lebedev et al., repeatedly received experimental confirmation. In recent years, the confirmation of such evidence has been progressively increasing. A distinctive feature of the proposed algorithm is that in the present study for the analysis of background EEG, the estimates of not local characteristics of bioelectric brain activity, as in most published works on this subject, but indicators of the spatial structure of interregional interactions of the potentials of many parts of the cerebral cortex were used. Since the psyche is the result of holistic brain activity, local neurophysiological phenomena, including EEG processes, obviously have less informative, especially from the point of view of the issues raised in this work.
In this study, 120 subjects of different ages were examined: 41 adult subjects, 27 adolescents 12 years, 52 children 5-6 years. In each age group, the degree of cross-correlation of the spatial structure of inter-regional EEG connections taken from different parts of the cortex in a resting state in male and female subjects with the quality of their performance of separate subtest of the Wechsler test (WAIS and WISC) was assessed. A special algorithm has been developed to identify individuals with enhanced ability to perform specific subtests of the Wechsler test in the analyzed groups. To this end, we identified those individuals in the group who differed in the spatial organization of patterns of interregional interactions of background brain activity most similar to the distant organization of patterns of intercortical interactions characteristic of the successful implementation of the subtest. As a result of the conducted studies, data were obtained indicating that with high reliability in subjects of different age groups – adults, adolescents 12 years and children 5-6 years, it is possible to identify in the background EEG the presence in the topological features of the spatial organization of intercortical interactions of the phenomenon of reflection in the EEG rest of the makings of the ability to successfully perform various types of cognitive activity.
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