The study of the effect of pre-sowing treatment of scarified seeds Astragalus siversianum and Astragalus babatagi with growth regulators Uchkun plus and Floraxan showed that the preparations have a positive effect on their germination energy and germination capacity. It was revealed that under the mechanical action of A. siversianum seeds with additional processing with Uchkun plus germination energy was 19.3%, germination rate 22.2%, in the variant with the use of Floraxane 16.6% and 18.1%, respectively. In the experiment with the seeds of A. babatagi, the best result was shown by the experiment using concentrated sulfuric acid in combination Uchkun plus, where the seed germination energy was 18,4% and the germination rate was 19,8%, with the use of Floraxan, these indicators were 23.2% and 25.4%, and in the control 11.2 and 13.5%, respectively.
When grown in the field, the maximum value was observed in the variant of the experiment, where chemical processing was combined with soaking in a Floraxane solution, germination energy was 22.0% and was higher than the control by 12.5%, germination exceeded the control by 15.2%.
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