• N. Babaniyazova Nukus state pedagogical institute
  • R. Sarsenbaev Nukus state pedagogical institute
Keywords: English as a foreign language (EFL), Information Technologies (IT), Integrated skills, teaching, learning, 21st century skills, methods


The article describes the importance of using Information Technologies in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). It deals with some problems in the process of teaching EFL for students. Nowadays the importance of incorporating Information Technologies in Foreign Language (FL) education has often been emphasized, especially by foreign language pedagogy scholars. 

The aim of the paper was to summarize the results of the observations carried out at Nukus state pedagogical institute in Nukus in order to map ways of improving students’ foreign language were developed suitably and sufficiently in the observed EFL lessons. The analysis showed that EFL courses at the institution tend to regard the importance of integrating skills with the usage of ICT in FL education. As a result of discussion and analysis we concluded that it is pivotal to make use of 21st century skills in the process of teaching EFL. 

Author Biographies

N. Babaniyazova , Nukus state pedagogical institute

PhD, docent at the foreign languages department

R. Sarsenbaev , Nukus state pedagogical institute

Teacher at the foreign languages department


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How to Cite
Babaniyazova , N., and R. Sarsenbaev. 2020. “THE IMPORTANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ”. EurasianUnionScientists 1 (11(80), 4-8.