• A. Ryashina
  • S. Leonteva ФГБОУ «МИРЭА-Российский технологический университет»
Keywords: oil sludge, oil sludge disposal, solar energy, low-temperature pyrolysis, complex cleaning


This paper presents a comparative description of traditional methods of neutralization and disposal of oilcontaining waste. The basic methods used for these purposes are effective, but they are not without significant drawbacks. In this regard, there is a need to find new ways that will be environmentally friendly and cost-effective. As such methods, low-temperature pyrolysis at the TPU 1 installation, purification of oil-contaminated sludge using solar energy, as well as complex purification of oil sludge were proposed. Their main advantages are compliance with modern environmental standards and the formation of products that can be used in the future as a result of cleaning. It was concluded that it is appropriate to use each of the proposed methods depending on the amount of contamination.

Author Biographies

A. Ryashina

Студент кафедры кафедры экологической и промышленной безопасности

S. Leonteva , ФГБОУ «МИРЭА-Российский технологический университет»

Канд. хим. наук, доцент кафедры экологической и промышленной безопасности


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How to Cite
Ryashina, A., and S. Leonteva. 2020. “АНАЛИЗ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ МЕТОДОВ ОБЕЗВРЕЖИВАНИЯ НЕФТЕШЛАМОВ ”. EurasianUnionScientists 7 (11(80), 59-66. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.80.1137.